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Bishop Tim Copeland, and his wife Kathy Copeland, evangelized all over the United States for 21 years. In 1993 they settled down in the town of Buford, GA. Revival started to take place in the small church of about 30 members. Now, almost 23 years after, revival keeps going by the help of God and the ministry of Pastor Copeland.

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Rev. & Mrs. Jordan Copeland

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Ministry Coordinator

Rev. & Mrs Kenneth Stroup

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Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Jayma Casias

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Spanish Ministries

Rev. & Mrs. Juan Pacheco

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Music Ministry

Mrs. Sarah Copeland

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Sunday School Superintendent

Rev. & Mrs. Nathan Harbison

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Branches Youth Leaders (18-30 Unmarried)

Bro. Josh & Sis. Krystal Pound

Bro. Caleb & Sis. Sarah Copeland

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Roots Youth Group (13-17)

Bro. Pedro & Sis. Bianca Osorio

Bro. Deston & Nichole Johnsa

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Rev. & Mrs. James Suermann

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Financial Stewardship

Rev. Brad Mayer

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Ladies Ministry

Mrs. Rosalind Fuller

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NGCA & Love and Learn Academy

Mrs. Starla Kyle

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Head Usher

Mr. Keith Holley

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Nursery Care

Mrs. Maria Walker

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Custodial Care

Mrs. Robin Poole

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Carrolton Daughter Work - Pastor

Rev. & Mrs. Fernando Cardenas-Rivas

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Gainesville Daughter Work Pastor

Rev. & Mrs James Barber